1.1.1: Is there an alternative for all 'non-text' content?
1.2.1: Have you provided alternatives for time-based media?
1.2.2: Have you provided captions for all prerecorded audio content?
1.2.3: Have you provided an audio description or media alternative for video content?
1.3.1: Is information, structure and relationships conveyed through mark-up correctly?
1.3.2: Can the correct reading sequence of the content be programmatically determined?
1.3.3: Do instructions for understanding and operating content avoid using shape, size, visual location, orientation or sounds?
1.4.1: Have you avoided the use of colour alone to convey information?
1.4.2: Is it possible to pause or stop automatically playing audio?
2.1.1: Is all content and functionality operable through a keyboard?
2.1.2: Is it possible to move keyboard focus away from all components that can receive it?
2.1.4: Is it possible to turn off keyboard shortcuts?
2.2.1: Can any time limits on content be turned off, adjusted, extended or last longer than 20 hours?
2.2.2: Can any moving, blinking, scrolling or auto-updating content be paused, stopped or hidden?
2.3.1: Is flashing content kept to a minimum e.g. content does not flash more than three times a second?
2.4.1: Is a mechanism for bypassing blocks of content available?
2.4.2: Do all web pages have a title that describes topic and purpose?
2.4.3: Does the focus order follow a logical path preserving meaning and operability?
2.4.4: Is the purpose of each link clear when read in context?
2.5.1: Can content be operated using simple inputs on a wide range of pointing devices?